America’s Generation Debt

America's Generation Debt - In the United States, university students graduate with an average of 25,000 dollars of debt.

Today, half of those graduates are either unemployed or underemployed. Many are unable to pay back their loans. National student debt stands at one trillion dollars, that's more than credit card debt.

For this generation, there is a feeling of déjà vu, of injustice. They feel that during the subprime crisis the banks got bailed out, but students who borrowed money to get a college education have been sold out.

With the presidential election just days away, euronews takes a look at what the US media has labelled "generation debt". ( )


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READ MORE - America’s Generation Debt

PayPal plans first job cuts since 2008 financial crisis

PayPal plans first job cuts since 2008 financial crisis - PayPal is planning to cut as much as 3 percent of its workforce as the payments division of eBay Inc looks to streamline its operations under new President David Marcus, a person familiar with the situation said on Friday.

The reductions are expected to total between 300 and 400 and be focused in product development, technology and marketing, the person said on condition of anonymity because the plans are not public. PayPal has almost 13,000 employees.

The job cuts will be PayPal's first major reductions since the financial crisis in 2008.

Marcus became president of PayPal earlier this year after eBay acquired Zong, the mobile payments start-up he ran.

Since taking over, Marcus has been trying to shift PayPal's focus more to the consumer. He has also been working to speed up the product development process, which has become bogged down in lengthy procedures in recent years.

"We have told PayPal employees about plans under way to strengthen and simplify how we create and deliver consistently great products and brand experiences to our customers," a PayPal spokesman said in a statement emailed to Reuters.

He declined to comment on how such plans may affect jobs at the company.

In the last few years, PayPal has spent a lot of money to develop new products and buy up companies, hurting margins, Gil Luria, a managing director with Wedbush Securities told Reuters.

"Now that products such as the mobile wallet are ready to be introduced, looks like they are ready to tighten up and let margins go up from here," Luria said.

PayPal's plans for job cuts were reported earlier on Friday by Bloomberg News. ( Reuters )


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READ MORE - PayPal plans first job cuts since 2008 financial crisis

Al-Qaida leader al-Zawahri urges Muslims to fight US over Prophet film

Al-Qaida leader al-Zawahri urges Muslims to fight US over Prophet film - The leader of Al-Qaida has urged Muslims to wage holy war against the United States and Israel over a film that insulted Islam's Prophet Muhammad.

Ayman al-Zawahri praised as "honest and zealous" demonstrators who breached the U.S Embassy in Cairo and attackers who stormed the U.S. "embassy" in Benghazi in violence linked to the film. The American ambassador and three others died in the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in the Libyan city.

The amateur film "Innocence of Muslims" was made by an Egyptian-born American citizen.

In an audio message released by al-Qaida's media arm As-Sahab and posted on militant websites early Saturday, al-Zawahri claimed Washington allowed the film's production under the pretext of freedom of expression, "but this freedom did not prevent them from torturing Muslim prisoners."


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Maram Zaki al-Saif, Juara Kontes Kecantikan Arab Saudi

Maram Zaki al-Saif, Juara Kontes Kecantikan Arab Saudi
-- Sebuah kontes kecantikan belum lama digelar di Arab Saudi.

Berbeda dengan kontes kecantikan kebanyakan, penilaian dalam kontes ini tidak hanya didasarkan pada penampilan dan kecantikan fisik, namun lebih memberatkan pada etika seorang wanita.

Kontes bertajuk "Miss Congeniality" ini memasuki tahun ketiga dan mengusung tema "My Ethics, My Identity".

Kontes yang digelar pada Senin di King Abdullah Ballroom di provinsi timur Qatif berhasil dimenangkan oleh Maram Zaki al-Saif. Kesalehan al-Saif menggugah para juri yang kemudian menobatkannya sebagai "Queen of Ethics", seperti dikutip dari al-arabiya, Kamis (11/10).

Saif yang berasal dari Tarout, berasil menyisihkan 285 kontestan, semua berusia antara 16-24 tahun. Saif berhak mendapat hadiah sebesar sepuluh ribu Riyals atau sekitar 2666 dolar AS.

Tempat kedua ditempati Fatema Abdel Jaleel Al Abad (17 tahun) dan Fateema Saeed Al Baik sebagai Runner Up kedua.

Selain etika dan perilaku kontestan, Khadra'a Al Mubarak selaku Direktur Eksekutif kompetisi mengatakan, kriteria pemilihan juga terfokus pada karisma peserta dan pertunjukan teater, di samping kepercayaan diri dan pengetahuan umum. ( republika )

Refleksi Nurani

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Google's 3 Essentials for Mobile-Friendly Websites

Google's 3 Essentials for Mobile-Friendly Websites - If you've been on the fence about creating a mobile-friendly version of your website, Google has some insight that might help you make the decision.

Sixty-seven percent of the 1,088 smartphone users surveyed by the tech giant in July said they were more likely to make a purchase when visiting a business's mobile-friendly site, versus 61 percent who said they'd most likely leave a site that wasn't optimized for mobile. Translation: if you don't have a mobile-friendly website then you're probably losing customers to the competition.

The survey, "What Users Want Most From Mobile Sites Today," was conducted for Google by independent market research firms Sterling Research and SmithGeiger.

A site that's optimized for mobile can be viewed easily on smaller screens and also displays important company information without complicated navigation. According to Google, mobile-friendly sites can pay off in two ways: users are more likely to be active when visiting the site and they are more likely to return to the site in the future.

Conversely, fifty-two percent of people surveyed said a bad mobile experience makes them less likely to engage with a company. And, 48 percent said that if a site didn't work well on their smartphones, it made them think the company didn't care about their business.

So what exactly are customers looking for from a mobile-friendly website? Here are three points Google highlights its survey:
  1. Fast loading. That means 5 seconds or less.
  2. Mobile-friendly features. These can include large buttons, easy search and limited scrolling and pinching.
  3. Quick access to business information. Display info like directions, contact numbers, product information and how to make a purchase right up front so it's easy to read on a smartphone or tablet.
How important do you think a mobile-friendly website is to doing business? Let us know in the comments below. ( entrepreneur )


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